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From ‘The Bachelor’ to Homeless to Rehab: ‘He’s in a Downward Spiral’

Lee Thompson rose to fame as the first ever lead on ‘The Bachelor’ of South Africa. The former rugby player starred as the Bachelor in 2019. According to South Africa’s Channel 24 News, “In the final episode of the season, it was revealed that Lee gave his last rose and specially designed ring to make-up artist Gina Myers. The 30-year-old professed his love to the brunette beauty in Mauritius before jetting off into the sunset on a speed boat.”

The fairytale ending was short-lived. On “After the Final Rose,” it was revealed that the couple had already gone their separate ways, Channel 24 reports.

Hitting Rock Bottom

Since that time, Thompson has been “in a downward spiral” according family and friends who spoke with Channel 24 in mid-August.  You Magazine published an exposé on Thompson on August 18, which chronicled the former Bachelor’s descent into homelessness, and ultimately ended up causing his loved ones to send him to rehab.

The You Magazine article told of how Thompson had been homeless, living on the streets of Cape Town after being evicted from a guest house that he had “rented for R300 a day since March.”  According to Currency Rate Today, “three hundred rands is equal to $17.79 (USD)”

The residence was said to be “filled with filth ranging from condoms and liquor bottles to broken items. A fire broke out in a room, which the owner described as ‘a nest’ and a ‘pigsty,’” according to an August 23 report from Channel 24.

The staff at You magazine tracked Thompson down and found him staying at a local homeless shelter. Once his family and friends found out about his situation, they reportedly put him in rehab, where he continues to recover.

Thompson’s family and friends are concerned, however, that he will not succeed. This is his second time at the same rehab facility. A friend of Thompson’s told Channel 24, “I knew Lee was on a downward spiral – just didn’t know how bad he would hit rock bottom. He did not even own a phone a few months ago – that’s how bad things got.”

The friend expressed, “I’m afraid he doesn’t stay long. I’m just glad he’s getting help now. And yes, his family is helping too. His mother wasn’t aware that things were getting this bad again.”

The friend added, “Lee is good at hiding things and pretending that everything is okay. He’d told his mother everything was okay, when it wasn’t.”  On the positive side, “There’s something good that came out of the article after all. People can die on the streets,” the friend told Channel 24.

Possible Legal Issues

Other concerns about Thompson stem from his questionable business and non-profit activities. According to The Citizen, “Often promoting fitness and wellness products, Thompson was set to release a tell-all book of his experience as the Bachelor in 2019, titled Truth Behind the Rose. People reportedly came forward saying they paid for the pre-order book sales, however, copies of the book never materialised.”

In addition, the outlet reports, “The businesses and charities linked to Thomspon have also been looked into. Live Hope Love South Africa is a charity started by Thomspon in 2016. It helps fund underprivileged children’s school fees. There is a call of action on the organisation’s Instagram page to donate to help fund the charity. The last time Live Hope Love SA was active on social media was in September 2020.”  There is no indication that any criminal charges are being filed at this time.

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From top of the world to rock bottom, this former 'Bachelor' and fitness guru is spiraling out.